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Welcome to Westbrook Congregational Church! We have connected people to God's heart through song, service, worship, and prayer since 1726. Our community is made up of all sorts of people from varied backgrounds, forming a strong and loving congregation. We are low on formality and high on participation. WCC is an Open and Affirming Congregation in the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ, and we welcome all to join us for in-person worship on Sundays at 10:00 am

Worship Online

When attending worship in person poses challenges, we provide recorded worship services for you at home. Many people like to check us out first before visiting or prefer to listen to the service more than once. We protect the privacy of our guests, especially our youth and vulnerable adults and send our worship links by request only. 

Click here to request access to our

recorded worship services.

Red Festive Holiday Working Hours Instagram Post-2
Java With Pastor Jeanette-3
good books, good Talk, and good company
Middlesex Assocation Annual Meeting
Lunch Bunch-2
SS feb 25
Women's Devotional Group
Crowd Photo Background Alcohol Awareness Poster
Supporting the community with a free meal event.
House of Mercy

Contact Us

1166 Boston Post rd

Westbrook, CT 06498


Office Hours


9:00 am-1:00 pm


10:00 am Worship

5:30 pm Spanish Service

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