​The First Congregational Church of Westbrook, Connecticut Loving God, Serving Our Neighbor, Transforming Our Community

Making an Impact
The donations and offerings made to the Westbrook Congregational Church play a crucial role in making a positive impact on our church, community, and the people of Westbrook. You can choose from various ways to donate, including the weekly offering with collection plates during the services or electronic giving available for donations at any time. To make giving easier, please use the button or QR code below. If you are interested in making a legacy donation or naming WCC in estate planning, you can speak to our Trustees.
Apart from donations, there are also numerous ways to give back by offering your time and skills in our service projects, outreach, mission trips, music ministry, Shoreline Soup Kitchen and Pantries, and faith formation groups. If you wish to become more active in our ministries or community partnerships, please contact the pastor.