The First Congregational Church of Westbrook, Connecticut Loving God, Serving Our Neighbor, Transforming Our Community
Westbrook Congregational Church is an inclusive community that embraces and celebrates all who seek to love and serve God. As followers of Christ, we believe in giving love and support to all people and affirming their sacred worth. Our church is dedicated to sharing the love of Christ through service, fellowship, and worship. Our community puts faith into practice by sharing our gifts and spreading God's love. WCC is a hub of activity, functioning in many ways as a community center, housing worship, yoga, music classes, faith formation classes, and a Spanish-speaking congregation. We are also a partner with recovery support group programs and Shoreline Soup Kitchen and Pantries as a weekly active hot meal site.
WCC is an Open and Affirming Church in the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ. This means we proclaim at every worship service, "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!" We, embrace, affirm, and celebrate all who seek to love and serve God. As followers of Jesus, we promise our love and support to all persons, embracing differences of age, race, culture, ethnicity, mental and physical capability, marital choice, sexual orientation, gender identity, faith background and socioeconomic status. We offer all sacraments and rites to those who join our circle of faith and extend all responsibilities and privileges to those who choose covenant membership.
Locally, we collaborate with Essex and Old Saybrook Congregational Churches through our Youth Group, joint worship services, and events throughout the year. We are proud members of the Middlesex Association of UCC Churches and the Valley Shore Ecumenical Congregations.
As a United Church of Christ congregation, we hold four distinct characteristics.
Christian: We declare ourselves part of the Body of Christ—the Christian church. We carry on the work of the early disciples to the reality and power of Christ.
Reformed: The United Church of Christ (UCC) was founded in 1957 by Protestant Reformers. Our belief is in the authority of one God and that Scripture is still relevant to us today. Our study of the scriptures is not limited to past interpretations but also incorporates new insights and God's help for living in the present. We seek to be relevant in a changing world while acknowledging the importance of traditions. Our highly educated, ordained ministers guide, instruct, and enable the ministry of all Christians. We celebrate two sacraments: baptism and Holy Communion.
Congregational: In the United Church of Christ, the worship style, leadership, and governance of each local congregation are unique. Members of each congregation covenant with one another and God, as revealed in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Congregations exist in trusting covenantal relationships to form larger structures to work more effectively. We belong to the Middlesex Associations and the Southern New England Annual Conference.
Evangelical: Proclaiming the good news of the Gospel is another way of saying evangelism. God’s love is revealed through Jesus Christ, is for all, no matter where you are on life's journey. This proclamation is the heart of our worship and community life. We gather to worship God, engage in service, and proclaim hope through our words and actions.